Tuesday, November 29, 2011

School Garden Design helpful websites

For all you school gardeners out there here are a couple of websites that might be helpful.

Kids Gardening website

School Garden Wizard

Remember the mini grants that are available for your garden creations.

Aveson Global Leadership Acadeny

Monday, November 28, started with a visit to the Aveson Global Leadership Academy in Pasadena. As I talked about the challenges, I could tell the middle school kids were chafing at the bit to be included. I assured them next school year the middle school challenges will be up and ready to go.

I am hopeful those Aveson Global Leadership Academy high school leaders will model for the younger kids just how a challenge is taken on and completed with quality products.

Many thanks to AGLA for having me on campus. Send in that registration form and let the creating begin.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Go Temple City HS!

Editorial cartoons from TCHS arrived. They're looking good.
Now come on all you other schools. Let's see what you can do.

Shout out to TCHS: Way to go!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Del Mar High School Joins the Challenge

Del Mar High School teachers and students with Principal Lon Sellers in the lead have signed up for the Fairchild Challenge.


I look forward to the youngsters' creative endeavors.

I'm glad we can work together!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Zoo Magnet High School

November started with a roar as I went to the Zoo Magnet High School. Mr. Lee McManus set up my visit with a very receptive faculty. I arrived just as classes ended, so I saw some of the students. What a great looking bunch of kids.

I'm sure these environmentally-aware kids will produce insightful projects.

Thanks for the visit.